7 Second CV & Your Career, Your Docs

Launch pr attracts all manner of lifestyle reposting for this catchily entitled read; the 7-second cv by James Reed.

The net loves lists. He has plenty. Because bullet points on your two-page max “marketing document” here is good.

Scrap cliched buzzwords, so no to; goal-driven, strong work ethic, multi-tasker, detail-oriented, self-motivated. Also ditch vague words like; quite, probably, sometimes, possibly. But do splash liberally positives such as; accurate, committed, dependable, flexible, resilient, responsible.

I was taken by his recommendation for a personal statement (at the top?); ‘your chance to show, in a nutshell, why it’s you they should be interviewing’.

I also like his steer to put the job description alongside your cv and ask yourself, is it the answer to that?

There’s the face value tips for your own applications.

Especially checking against his “fatal five” bin-guarantees;

  1. A lack of relevant work history
  2. Spelling mistakes
  3. Frequent job changes
  4. Not enough information
  5. Poor visual layout

Then there’s the ramifications for your sales collateral.

Do potential buyers also look at a doc – particularly your opening salvo – for only 7secs too?

Is there are selling mirror of the format; personal statement, key skills, experience in reverse chronological order, qualifications, hobbies and interests?

Does your mindset, attitude and character properly come across?

Do immediately visible mistakes exist? Are ‘factual inexactitudes’ present? Can it really ‘stand out’?