Are You Identifying The Right Problem?

The publisher of a recent book cheerily entitled Scared to Death; why scares are costing us the Earth perhaps understandably, saw the chance for a quick buck from the product extension strategy of a new chapter on coronavirus.

Update author Richard North consequently reveals scathing comments on the handling of all things covid.

With reference to the UK’s handling of their portion of the epidemic, his withering assessment is that when the government sought to plan fresh measures back in 2005, the scientists somehow “conflated, mixed up” SARs and influenza.

When they are patently different diseases requiring different remedy. A fatal error. Flu the ‘rona ain’t.

Despite “the science being very, very clear”, as a result when SARS-CoV-2 cropped up;

“…they actually applied the wrong model in the wrong way in a fashion that would actually ensure that the disease would spread out of control”.

Making “covid the one that got away”. He describes the pattern;

“And this is the odd inversion. In virtually every scare, they over-estimate the problems, and then they apply flawed science to design a solution which invariably doesn’t work because they haven’t identified the problem in the first place.”

In our solution framing, we too must ensure we – for which read, our prospects – are not set to apply “the wrong model of disease control”.

What is the correct problem?

Is it being over-estimated?

Are different problems mistakenly blended or combined here?

Remembering that it all stems from defining the right problem at the very beginning.

Do this and your world may well avoid catastrophic lockdown and save otherwise doomed souls.