Are You In A Chain?

I heard a decent joke on Friday night courtesy of an engaging chap who owns, among other things, a huge metal bashing plant so successful that he helped to make the new seats for all but one of the stadiums S Africa is building for next year’s World Cup. He was getting across his frustration with how the world economy seems to work.

A man walks in to a hotel wanting a room for the night. He asks the person on reception, who just happens to be the owner, if there are any available and how much they cost.

The owner replies that there’s a special price for cash – just 200.

The man thinks it sounds good so hands over the bills. He then decides to see the room, so is taken there by the bellhop.

The owner then rushes to the nearby butcher and gives him the 200 to clear his overdue meat debt.

The butcher then takes the 200 and pops across to the abattoir to pay what he owes for animals over the past few weeks.

The slaughterhouse manager then walks across to the farmer, as they still owe for lots of livestock, and gives them the 200.

The farmer then visits the local, ahem, escort. He hands her the 200 for various services she has provided.

She then goes to the hotel. She finds the owner and hands him 200 that she’s behind on for room rent.

The owner says thank you and pops the 200 on the counter.

Then the man reappears. He says that he no longer wants the room. The owner returns his 200.

As money circulates around the world, maybe as solution sellers we are sometimes in a similar chain, but don’t realise it?