Catch Kittenfishing Competitors

Forever one to marvel at the perils of online life, who knew a milder version of catfishing was a current hot trend.

The world rightly brays at this original concept of someone hiding behind a completely made-up, misleading and often malevolent cyber persona. Especially when created to lure and harm the unsuspecting and vulnerable.

So surely the emergent dating phenom of kittenfishing requires similar scorn. Regardless of whether it be at a less deceptive place, slightly warmer than polar, on the spectrum.

It is where, rather than create a dangerous untruth, more like little white lies are told.

The flaws are glossed over. Slight niceties embellished. A halo glows over apparent perfection.

But where will it end?

I am tall. I am young. I am thin. I am interesting. I am rich. I am single. I am honest.

Anyone who displays such fibsterrhea is surely a no-gooder.

You cannot help but compare these people vying through lying to attract that treasured ‘date’ with unscrupulous vendors that provide fictitious claims for their wares, opaque accolades and bogus testimonials.

I was further reminded of the industry surrounding film poster quotes. In particular, this wonderfully recounted tale around Tom Hardy 2015 Sixties London gangster flick, ‘Legend‘;

“A film poster tends to exist in a shiny, happy universe where people say lovely things about lovely people who have done lovely things on a lovely set.”

So it is in selling.

Any customer reference offered can only ever be gushing. Any sector review shown can only ever lavish high praise. Any unusual behind the scenes employee allowed out their darkened room only ever reports everything works. Always. Brilliantly.

A most hateful being the insistence that a piece of our wizardry sadly currently lacking in their proposal is due for miraculous inclusion in their next revision. Which also happens to be imminent.

It never appears.

Yet the stringing along wreaks severe damage on our bid.

Knowing such vacuous boasts will occur is half the battle. So you can surreptitiously lay traps for them ahead of time. Avoiding direct reference to them is key.

Seeking commitment for where effort is required clientside is also a winner.

If an opponent suggests success is as simple as pushing a button, which you know is far from the case, then you can shine by stressing the resource to put in place. An old-school, ‘You get out what you put in, mister prospect…’ so that they’ll realise not only what will happen, but also embrace how it will be made so.

Who knows, pretty soon you may even be able to say, ‘I’m not kittenfishing here…‘ and get the point firmly across. And ensure the prospect doesn’t ghost, moon or leave breadcrumbs for you.