Corona Pie

Whiteboarding is no longer seen only inside office bound meeting rooms.

All manner of workshoppers, buyers and planners are moving en masse to the virtual.

A staple of many a whiteboarder is the piechart.

Despite its much documented flaws as a presentation device.

It persists as it’s so simple and satisfying to draw up big.

Whether or not you agree with the contention of the above tweet, you cannot help but notice the coronavirus annotations.

Spikes around the pie with crowns just like the devastating ‘rona.

How’s your post-corona landscape shape up?

Drawing a dozen coronas around your circle should at least make your audience remember your covid-beating ideas.

…& from the same stream’s preceding tweet :: have you got your own noticeboard list of things learned or to accomplish during lockdown?

…finally, here’s one of the many coronapie memes speeding around messaging groups you’ve probably seen versions of which, incidentally is a favoured 99 vs 1 percent – or even 0 v 100 – that can make a light-hearted yet powerful point when adapted to your own workplace scenario;