Doc Completion Rate

Amazon Lord of the Rings prequel Rings of Power, which cost $465 million to get into the can and was released to widespread indifference ... had a 37 per cent completion rate in the US. Meaning the percentage of customers who started watching and made it through to the end. The rest of the world was slightly more dedicated, with a 45 per cent completion rate. Streamers usually hope for 50 per cent plus.

This reveal of 'completion rate', via the world's most expensive telly produced to date, was a metric new to me in the video streaming world.

I recall similar attention being paid in the early days of music streaming. With the industry eventually [or really, the Big Music Majors stipulating] paying out royalties once a track was listened to for thirty seconds.

Down the years many a Sales service (/app) has claimed to inform you whether a prospect has opened your email. Downloaded your attachment. And later reminding you they've yet to respond.

In the early Noughties, I myself developed an online repository for my selling docs and demos. For which I sent a link and then could know when access occurred, for how long, and what engagement took place.

The constraint back then was that real-time discourse ruled.

Nowadays though, async selling must be an option.

Despite bemoaning our perceived relinquished control, today's buyers may even demand it.

Even in the mid-Nineties on occasion I did this.

Faxing a pre-demo questionnaire a gem of qualification beauty.

The question maps itself our way as; how do we read completion rates for our material?

Or are they misleading?

In the tv streaming wars, having half those that embark stick out the course may be their yardstick, but isn't our driver rather one of response?

Yes, reading upon receipt is important, but not at the expense of them then going on to actively do something about it.

Replying, forwarding, stalling, creating, questioning, checking, clarifying, agreeing, disagreeing, actioning.

Craft ways for these to happen and it is less what completion rate you achieve, but which completions lead you to an order that you're best off tracking.