Don't Be A Merchant Of Menace

Merchants of Menace

This wonderfully Shakespeare label is coined by the UK’s Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham.

His job is to punish cold call boiler rooms that perpetuate the estimated one billion annual nuisance calls to home landlines and personal mobiles.

Only two percent of us embattled consumers on the receiving end bothered to complain last year, resulting in four meaty fines handed down.

The list of offenders is apparently headed by those pushing to unlock your pension, loft insulation, debt management, boiler repairs, solar panels, PPI (payment protection insurance reclaims) and even kit to block with-held phone calls.

Whilst warmly applauding those that wish to proactively find new customers, in our b2b field we know that to bombard uninvited is a total waste of time. For all concerned.

Yet not every cold call is received unwelcomed.

Seasoned seekers all know the rare joy of hearing a first-time reached voice saying, “I’m glad you called just now…”. It does happen.

Telephone canvassing has moved a long way during this century.

High calibre, ethical operators are gaining many many happy clients for life. By knowing the exact problem they resolve, and gently finding those that seeks its resolution.

I trust you ensure you do the same.