Everyday Item Luxe

Best gift-giving advice?
Buy a special version of an everyday item.

That's wisdom I saw widely shared as many scramble to think of festive pressies to give.

Apparently the originator of this seasonal virality gave the vexing example of choosing for the typical 'someone with everything'.

In their case, with deep love of fine wine. Yet mystifyingly, owned only a decidedly run-of-the-mill corkscrew. Hey presto, one high calibre device later, the perfect gift. Appreciated, used and flaunted forever more.

Which soon made me think of a trio of solution sell crossovers.

Beginning with the ever tricky issue of the corporate gift. So called #merch, with your logo plastered all over. Move over desk trinkets, cheap biros and mugs.

This made me think of a more upmarket car dealership I once brushed. Off their own bat, and nothing to do with the manufacturer, they provided a welcome pack. Given by surprise to new buyers as they drove off the forecourt. It was an impressive set. Indeed, its leather zip-up document folder could outlast the vehicle.

I quickly riffed on props that would suit those with whom I nurture the making of distinctive video calls to propel ever greater productivity. Plenty to go on, there.

Next, you can build on this, by assessing what might bring greater signalling to your selling.

The first time I consciously sold a premium product, I remember thinking I must match that positioning when face-to-face with a prospect. Properly suited and booted, ink pen, daybook that was not from the typical office stationer.

There may well be a line you'd be advised not to transgress on this. Slightly tangentially, I also remember deliberately parking my Corporate-issued statement car a long way from the prospect door in those days. Being as it was likely worth more than the prospect's salary. Maybe the kind of thing that works on other cultures, but not industrial England at that time (if ever). Then when I started out on my own, I purposely got what was then the quirky, revamped, buzzy VW Beetle. After just about every good first meeting, the 'buyer' (usually top seller or chief exec) would walk me out the building. With me parked in the closest parking bay, for visitors, each one wanted to talk about it. In a highly positive way. With more than fleeting interest. Great associative thoughts.

Whilst a car is a stretch for what I allude to here, finding the everyday luxe amid the more mundane can make a standout impression.

Lastly, there's the link with what you provide. Most, if not practically all, those I work with tend not to be the cheapest option in their marketplace. There's always someone willing to undercut. And under-deliver.

Are you providing an answer to the every-day? Preferably in a way that changes the humdrum routine very much for the better?

It is likely for a price well worth paying.

For instance, we've all seen the bargain basement disasters of cosmetic surgery, dentistry and hair transplants gone awry. If the prospect is ready to act, then they surely don't want their world's version of those?

There is an element of what you offer that provides your prospect that everyday thing with the dependency, robustness and longevity only your special version allows. Make sure they know so.