Exact Process Over Outcome Science

I was warmed to read this quick line as the rugby Six Nations recommences.

It was from a Times profile piece on England captain, Chris Robshaw.

Widely praised for ‘coming of age’ when refusing to bow to Welsh pressure in the tunnel before the first match, such plaudits have taken a fair while to land.

Back at the 2012 Autumn fixture against the Boks, he was pilloried for botching a late penalty decision which ended up handing the match to the South Africans.

Sensing the need to console, his then club coach, Harlequins’ Conor O’Shea, got in touch.

“Hindsight coaching is an exact science and that, as long as the decision-making process was correct, you don’t go on the outcome”

The likes of knights Woodward and Brailsford have shown the world this very concept creates champions throughout this century.

For me it is undeniable. It separates the stellar from the splutterers.


I am forever saddened that too many a salesteam and seller neither know nor pursue their proper Sales process.

Look after your process and the outcomes will take care of themselves.