Google Keep Discarded

A salutary lesson. The average lifespan of a Google product is only 1,459 days.

They give it all the fanfare, somehow get bloggers to post that it’s all life-changing, and proclaim that they continue to be the universe’s kings.

Yet products don’t seem to last that long at all.

And worse, the customers who fully embrace and adopt such new services are left high and dry. Presumably leaving a ton of hours completely down the drain.

Here lies one major barrier to new product uptake. And if you avoid the mistakes Google makes you can more likely succeed than fail with your latest gem.

The perception must be brewing, particularly among the hallowed ‘early adopter’ fraternity, that to jump headlong into a new Google offering is something best left to others. The bloggings of an apparently famous techie in the light of the latest trumpeted super-product, Google Keep, deliciously sums this up; “Sorry, Google, you can Keep it to yourself

This is an apprehension that many a prospect faces when pitched a new product.

So how can you provide the requisite comfort?

I think the Google example shows you can start with three strands.

  1. The new product is core to the future development of the company, and not just a fringe idea.
  2. There is significant resource being thrown not merely at the development, but of the going maintenance and scalability of it.
  3. How you’ve successfully launched long-lasting new products before, especially ones that had a shaky moment.

A new product presentation so often stays with why the product will be so welcomed by a desperate market place. Whilst indeed valid to cover this, the better approach seems to build on this to talk about the future ‘service journey’. Customers of today don’t want to feel they’re likely to become the discarded customers of tomorrow.