Half Of Global Firms To Reduce Office Space

"A survey of 350 multinational companies that together employ around 10 million staff globally found that 50pc are planning to reduce their office footprint. Most are looking to cut between 10pc and 20pc of space."

How The Telegraph reported a recent survey by London-headquartered property brokers, Knight Frank.

Findings supported by the ongoing footprint reduction of MNCs. Such as by occupants of Canary Wharf where, for the latest downsizer as I write this day, 'the number of staff returning to its office has not recovered to its pre-pandemic peak'.

Spot any relevance to us solution sellers?

Any clearer when I elaborate that reasons given include the failure of the 'stick' that was forcing employees to lessen WFH, bringing an acceptance of a hybrid working style which is a permanent fixture now for 56pc of these big players?

Only just under a third of them claim committed to having everyone back into the corporate workplace full-time. Figures for New York apparently show office occupancy plateaued, at roughly 60pc as 'holdouts' continue working remotely.

So. How many of your prospects are on the hybrid model? How many resist full-time office mandates? How many are in companies that have given up on the full-time in-person attendance push?

And following on from this, how do you expect to converse with them, when not in situ at their corporate office?

You a-gonna need to video them.

If you thought zooming was a passing fad, and treat videoing semi-dismissively, then you'll never bust that ever-climbing quota.

Have you asked your prospects their work location pattern?

When do they prefer video? both timeslot and venue wise

With which of their colleagues is videoing the norm? Or might open up simpler arranging (whether to combat schedule limits, territory/timezone constraints or WFH/office shut-outs)?

Imagine just this one choice.

They loathe WFH. Or they love WFH.

Either way, there may well be a time when within one scenario they prefer to video.

Maybe they need to be seen doing business.

Maybe they work best in secret or seclusion.

Find their preference and you'll be doing them a favour. One they'll be more likely to happily reward you for with a nice little order.