Headliners Comic Home Zoom Room

This particular stand-up self-identifies as The People's Gammon. He's one on the dozen-plus roster of hands-down England's best nightly paper review tv show of the next day's press; Headliners. Using a rotating trio of comedians each night that over time are both funny and balanced.

This five minute clip is apparently accompanies his latest monthly newsletter.

When I caught site of from elsewhere, my first thought was that it's always nice to see someone make the effort and fashion something specific and personal.

You'd guess this was from his home. Which led immediately to my second thought.

Blimey, I hope that's not in his toilet.

Given the dimensions, and his chuckling contrarian irreverence, I did wonder.

I myself have been involved in transforming the literal office broom cupboard into a zoom booth. Both keeping the shelving as backdrop or renovating the back wall as here - and it must be said, in my own main lab - painted black. The floor to ceiling whiteboard also works.

The wall here is brick, so wouldn't permit scribing on for a video call that sells. Yet could be easily adapted.

I'd have been tempted to swap out that white light switch. Matt black ones are as little as a fiver.

Also online I swiftly found those two LED signs. For under thirty and fifteen quid apiece.

Not really for our arena, mind. As is life-hack deepisms that I've similarly seen. Although I have come across custom-made logos in this neon-style for the corporate branding. But again, neither detail nor expense essential for us to get going.

The business issue is the container. I so often see an office equivalent. The half-wall partitioned cubicle. Where typically the back divider bursts out the top of frame, side ones rise half-way with those frosted glass panels as an upper band.

In such rig I always advise sitting slightly to one side. After all, who revels in being middle-of-the-road?

You can even gently angle the webcam too. So long as any writing or display screen behind can easily be focused on.

Given this particular comic's broadcast exposure is relatively recent, the homemade style can work. I'd also be tempted to make the whole 'scape black. Thick fabric or equivalent hanging over both blinds and door. He'd likely thrive in the boudoir vibe.

He's also gone to the trouble of having ringlight spots facing him. Perhaps moving toward the corners and turning 45° might help?

Finally, I chose this still as it captures his signature hand gesture. He uses it lots. Whenever searching for emphasis. Pretty much to the exclusion of any other.

As I've so often counselled, hand gestures can become magic spells for your message. At least here he doesn't go full Russell Brand. Yet knowing what you want to stress and having a way to uniquely do so will elevate your pitch in the reminiscence of your audience.