How Useful Is Oddball Question About Your Debut Album?

A finding so noteworthy CNN’s Richard Quest deemed it part of his 2016 year’s highlights wrap-up.

Job site Glassdoor raked through their forums and gathered the current most eyebrow-raising, so-called oddball interview questions.

These are proven catnip for anyone ever having been either side of a job interview. Collections abound.

Effectiveness though, is disputed, Google were famed for their increasingly bizarre posers on this score. Now they seem to have stopped the practice. Citing irrelevance. Yet reporting elsewhere can claim that the more challenging an interview, the more enjoyment and higher performance follows in-post.

The one here causing most buzz hits floor staff for retail fashionistas Urban Outfitters;

“What would the name of your debut album be?”

The voxpop outside CNN’s Columbus Circle offices left most passers-by stumped. Although the chap using an eponymous approach followed by “…The Great” was perhaps precluding himself from any ‘team player shines’ type role.

Here’s the answer plan of a Forbes journalist;

Pick something that’s reflective of your personality or work ethic. Something that’s upbeat and energetic, or relevant to the company that you’re interviewing for.

My first album title? Taste Danger.

At this party time of year, this particular question may be one to add to your list if you’re in the big chair. Or other ones from the list. But I doubt it. Mind you, for reasons that are obvious given my name, I’ve always liked that one featured from the UK list;

“If you were a fruit, what kind would you be and why?”

‘Classics’ also crop up;

“If you were a brand, what would be your motto?” to uncover what both drives you and how you want top be seen.

“Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses?” which purports to reveal whether you prefer singular big problems to resolve or lots of little ones.

Then the less oddball, more mainstream crept in;

“If you had three minutes alone in a lift with the CEO, what would you say?”

“If you’re the CEO, what are the first three things you check about the business when you wake up?”

I feel these pair can certainly be used in Sales interviews.  And perhaps of prospects too…

Which brings me to one further point from this.

I do wonder whether this LP title could prove a winner with a prospect.

Clearly, a more casual and willing one.

If their desired project with you was an album, what would it be called?

It might just give you that informal balance-tilting identity to get behind…