Ingredient of the Year

End of year algorithm picks for what Big Tech think you’ll click vary from the chastening insight into your inner soul to the bewildering choice that makes you wonder what could have possibly led to such mistaken offering.

And so I was confronted with an Aussie compilation for a mishmash of chef-types. Each heralding their ‘ingredient of the year’.

By my untrained eye, maybe only a quarter of selections bothered with any current foodie ‘trend’.

One cheesemaker on the list even refreshingly admitted, “usually I’d pick cheese – it’s the ingredient of the year every year, isn’t it?”

What this piece did do though, was remind me of the power of the year-end list.

Especially relevant as the calendar clocks round. With its accompanying meetings looking back, looking ahead. The good ‘ole Wrap and SKO.

There’s a chance for us to build on this idea.

Our sales recipe also has ingredients. And this year or next, some will be more key than others.

What are they?

You could ask around the team for each personal favourite.

Then show in a short and snappy slot.

Useful both as a morsel among a long line of (video or in-person) spots. As well as reinforcing vital messaging as to the task in hand for the coming year.

You might even get specific about what the ‘ingredient’ could represent.

An add-on to your standard, core or central offer. A partner brought on board. Certain resource introduced. An activity or suggestion that never fails. A particular spoken line that strikes the winning chord with the buyer.

Strangely, this serving of Californian AI was closely followed by ‘the experts’ guide to what we’ll be drinking in 2022′[*]. Well, time to get on trend early, if not at play then at least when in Sales.

* in case you were wondering, the always readable Victoria Moore suggests; At home happy hour cocktails, English sparkling wine, Beaujolais, South Africa [excellent choice], Magnums, Trading up & Rosé in winter.