Ingredient X Lifecoach Stand Out Strength

More Resolutioning fluff yes, but one that could turn into tasty Sales foodstuff.

One such ‘sage’ writing on the dailymail suggests that a mere one in twelve stick to their New Year commitments, with only one in five still sticking to them come Feb.

She aims to improve these numbers. Here’s the sub-ed quote précis;

“My years of coaching hundreds of people have taught me that far too many of us don’t even make the most of who we are now.

We under use our talent, we hold ourselves back from fulfilling our potential and we don’t use that unique characteristic – I call it, Ingredient ‘X’ – that sets us apart from everyone else.”

I was struck by how if you switch this towards selling your product, it feels eerily familiar.

‘My years of experience find far too many sellers don’t even make the most of what they sell.

We under use our whole toolset, we hold ourselves back from fulfilling our potential and we don’t use that unique characteristic – call it, Ingredient ‘X’ – that sets us apart from everyone else.’

Just what exactly is our Sales ‘ingredient X’? We must have (at least) one ‘unique characteristic’. By definition, else we would not be in solution selling.

There’s so much to look into which potentially ‘sets us apart from everyone else’.

Do you know the whole scope of what these might be? Forget actual ‘features’ (ew), Call on almost anything from your selling and delivery dna that gets results.

Not only is this another Sales Kick-off (SKO) year’s launch conference mini workshop session, but also a key reminder to zone in on what really makes a pitching difference.