Is Your Prestige Proposal Cover Chasing The Dream?

“Chasing the dream inspires me”

It’s rare that a Prop cover page makes headline news.

This week gutter-to-glitz self-styled bad boy Irish cage fighter Conor McGregor took delivery of a £3m yacht.

He shared a 20sec clip on instagram of him flicking through a page or two of its brochure.

I was delighted to see the title sheet. (And so must have Samsung been.)

Too often, these docs bear solely the name of the product being pitched. In this case, the uninspiringly named, The New 2019 Prestige 750 Yacht.

I’ve seen this time and again. The unsnappy tech-leaning label of some wonderfully dull piece of kit writ large across the otherwise blank page, apart from perhaps the potential buying organisation name. Which can even be in smaller typeface.

The page above isn’t perfect. Yet it goes so far beyond the typical it is noteworthy.

For as long as I can remember, I always entitled my Props with a phrase that summed up the specific value/benefit Number One the main buyer sought. Evoking the particular issue that was set to be not only resolved, but banished to distant memory.

Buyers hardly ever seem to give their project a decent name. ‘New Computer System’ as a classic, being about as creative as they allow themselves to get. Understandably, you might say. Yet sadly all cold ‘what’ rather than warm glowing ‘why’.

Here, the boatbuilders go straight for the gold standard. The very ethos of their client. What does this procurement represent for them?

It’s an interesting check for our Props. Are they not only peppered with aspirational quotes from the eventual customer, leaving any reader in no doubt where you align, but is one selected for special glory, and plastered on your front page too?