Not Read Mail Pats
We had an in-house session looking at this secondary objection recently. It crops up after a suspect has requested info as part of their decision-making process on whether to see you or not. The drill should be familiar; you follow up at the designated hour, only to be told your email’s gone unread.
The guys workshopped this around. Their preferred approach was to use the lack of enthusiasm (& respect?) for the asked-for email as a starting to point to have a proper conversation. Namely one that allows you to ask a couple of killer questions. These should hopefully demonstrate desire-stipulation or problem-recognition by the suspect.
You can then say, ‘I can resolve that/make it happen…’ and Close for the meet. Sounds simple!
The key is being able to get these questions out after a preface that puts everything at ease. ‘I can easily outline in 30 seconds what the email/links would have got across…’ and then the angle is, ‘so I can do this right now, just let me know please what’s….’