Players Purposeful Text Slide

Above I link to a press conference snap that certainly caught my eye this week.

Remarkably, at this time I cannot find the same text repeated online. So here it is;

"Leagues and players seek a fair and inclusive decision-making procedure to ensure the wellbeing of football players, viability of national leagues and the respect of collective bargaining agreements at national level."

The context being, there's too much football being squeezed in. Quantity doomed to knock quality. The players are at best, knackered, at worst, having careers curtailed ever sooner by injury.

The above still comes from the streamed 97min event, as embedded on the player umbrella body notes.

At one level, there's little sympathy for multi-millionaire performers, power-brokers and paymasters. On another, isn't 'more' what the actual consumer wants?

And let's face it. What fan, club or media outfit has any time for the "organised crime syndicate" [the findings of investigative journalist, Andrew Jennings] that is the governing body facing the complaint, Fifa?

Regardless, what do you think of their Brussels event slide backdrop here?

The language might see unwieldy. Legalese corporate-speak mixing with abstract concepts, and all that.

Yet as a statement of intent, I think, if you'll forgive the sporting flavour, it's got legs.

Consider the format;

[whosoever] seek [outcome] to [benefit1], [benefit2] & [benefit3].

It'd suit well situations where say, such as an 8-word mission might be too 'surface' for you.

Where you want something with a touch more heft. Something slightly beyond the t-shirt sloganising. Which deliberately sets out to make people think a little bit differently. Also acting as an impressive visual placeholder where apt.

As they split their aim in two ("fair and inclusive") I've expanded that point below. In an example scenario where I might need such a summary slide in my role helping Enterprise sellers get more from their video calls;

Sales and customer service advisers seek consistently deeper engagement with stronger measurable outcomes on client video meetings to raise project energy, firmly realise their desired legacy and remain distinctive over competing interests.

I'm sure given a definable pitch, iterations would be tighter.

After all, in many ways in my client's case, success is having video sessions with you more looked-forward to than with anyone else they work with.

The football plaintiffs above use 32 words. Which I strove to emulate. Yet note how theirs reads. Note how it looks. Centred, all-caps'd and sized to occupy a central block with nice margin space surrounds.

And here's a final point. You think your competition are using this template?

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