Process Equipment Results

I did something Sunday I do rarely these days. I planned to watch a grand prix.

For over a decade the paint drying on a nearby ceiling has been more interesting.

Yet all of a sudden, the pants can wet.

There were flashes of it last year. Jenson Button’s outlandish Canadian victory. The number of Turkish overtakes. And this year, every race has been compelling.

The reason? The tyres seem to have been engineered so as to collapse at random moments. Brilliant.

Trevor Francis, Seb Coe, David Gower, Seve. That quartet takes some joining. But Jenson is right alongside.

So I was peeved when his team had a shocker in Bahrain. When Hamilton got afflicted, he shook his head in public disapproval. He still has so much to learn. Jenson when kiboshed instead went and consoled the wheel guy. The maturity and grace of Button sets him apart.

Here’s The Telegraph’s insight into the inquest.

The main quote from McLaren’s team principal is recited differently across the web…

“we have to look at the process, the equipment and the approach”

I instantly thought, how different is this to the typical salesteam in the light of a dismal defeat?

Knee-jerk reactions, ranting and raving, public humiliations, rapid and I’ll thought through change. That’s what so often transpires.

If only they truly understood the importance of process.

Your nuts may cross-thread or wheelnut pegs fail to engage. Yet it is so rarely the fault of the guy trying to put the new tyre on.