Strong Sales Team Togetherness

England’s latest footballing messiah has a worse hand than the one Eriksson threw down the drain; no world-class ‘traditional’ centre forward, little flank prowess, players picked on ill-deserved reputation, too few youngsters coming through, goalkeeping worries, Rooney depriving Gerrard and Cole space.  To mention just a handful.  So how will he mould us into world-beaters?

According to his latest musings, any successful team must be “together” and “a strong group” with “spirit”.

Sounds straightforward, yet I’ve seen at close quarters many, many salesforces at their quarterly booze-ups, often masquerading as sales team meetings.  And looking back, the ones ahead of the game have always tended to be those that are ‘together’ and share a healthy common ‘spirit’.  Now, the tricky thing to identify, is how to engender such an environment…