The Goldfinger Law
How to spot fake trend articles in the press: look for the weak third example. Two things happening simultaneously is a coincidence. Coincidences aren't news. So journalists stretch to find a third example, however weak, so they can call it a trend.
— Paul Graham (@paulg) August 6, 2024
As a kid I read the original Bond novels. Particular memories include how different plots were to the movies, the 'darker' nature of the source material, and character development so much deeper and richer than films allow.
One facet I cite still today, were the three Act titles of Goldfinger;
Happenstance :: Coincidence :: Enemy Action
Like needing to mark beyond a mere second point to create a proper straight line, this alludes to the trend spotting as referred to by the above tweet.
Only found a pair of examples of the perceived prospect pain?
Just the twosome of potential impacts uncovered?
Simply a brace of vocal supporters identified?
You likely need a third.
Yet there's an extra steer here.
How strong are those third set of co-ordinates?
The knock-on Sales tip being very much to ensure we have a solid trident of proofs to back up our claims.
Two's company, three's more sound.
A number three that must truly hammer the nail home.
The potential fake stretch wrought live and real.
An audible, visible, tangible trend where the third aspect seals buyer action.