The Unagenda'd Sales Meeting

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For any Sales meeting, having an agenda is best-practice.

My hunch though, is that only less than one-in-ten ever get one drawn up.

Starting off with a vibe of, 'let's just have a chat' isn't typically selling.

Sure, for those with a significant experience dividend, you can skillfully navigate what's required during an apparently meandering conversation and the prospect will dutifully give you the happy ending sought.

But we'd never accept the product or service we sell to be delivered in such seemingly blasé manner, would we? So we ought set the tone of what's to come with our selling behaviour.

Yet as ever, there are exceptions that prove the rule.

And the above "unhurried" angle is indeed one.

From the comments, consider this;

"Every relationship moves at the speed of trust".

Lovely framing for a pursuit based so primarily on relationships.

Once rapport feels set on the right foundation you easily pop a deliberately un-agenda'd session into your sales cycle.

With someone for whom you feel the requisite level of trust runs both ways.

It can feel like an informal get-together. And can certainly be done over video, once you know how to be truly distinctive in such setting.

Best used when trying to figure something out. Work up a plan. Get a touch creative.

For which instead of agenda, you have a single question.

Namely that which you aim to resolve over your 45min or so slot.

You still prepare.

Back-up materials will prove invaluable.

And there may well be a pre-chosen pool of techniques you can happily plunder as sparks crackle.

You don't strictly speaking need to reach a defined outcome when the clock strikes time. As you can agree to let the grey matter chew things over and talk again tomorrow, as it were. For the great thing about creativity is how the subconscious can zap a fresh and useful thought into our heads when least expected in the couple of days following initial stimulation.

Far removed from business 'speed dating', this all helps build comfort, exude confidence and take any unwanted pressure off your prospect. All moving you into prime position to uniquely help your potential customer.