Video Meeting Storyboard For 70pc Improvement

There's not often much Sales insight to be had from a movie promotion interview.

You might get the occasional glimpse into how media training refines a plot into an enticing 30sec pitch soundbite. But that's about it.

Yet late-21 served up a delicious metric from pioneering Director, Ridley Scott. [sub'n req'd]

He storyboards his films in advance, drawing every shot by hand, and also edits them while he’s filming:
“When I come out of a film and say ‘That’s a wrap’, my director’s cut is usually [ready] within three weeks or four weeks,”
he says, before fixing me with a look.
“With most people, it’s 14.”

That's quite some impact. Time slashed from 14 weeks. Down to a mere 4. A huge productivity improvement. A 71pc reduction in time.

And wouldn't you know it.

The same uplift applies to our video calls.

They are not a replication of what we'd do in the same physical meeting space.

Nor are they mere phone calls with a 2-D vision of who we're speaking with.

They are definitely their own beast.

One we ought harness.

To enjoy such similar uplift, have you done our version of 'storyboarding'?

Worked through your key pitch, demo or perhaps most pertinently nowadays, your crucial deal video meetings with prospects - like the first bid meeting, discovery/workshop events or proposal delivery?

Storyboarding in detail. It doesn't mean producing a slidedeck to slavishly follow.

But it should reveal what flow you and your prospect can expect, the tools uniquely available to a video meeting that you'll use for extra engagement, and how you'll personally deliver them on-screen.