Viral Interference

“a phenomenon for which a cell infected by a virus becomes resistant toward a second outcoming infection by a superinfectant virus”

That’s the first result returned for the phrase ‘viral interference’ the day of blogging here.

Aka ‘superinfection resistance’ it’s a concept gaining coverage. As right now the Northern hemisphere power-crazed doom-mongering scientists decree that there’ll soon be a mega rise in a deadly flu. With way worse spike than we’re used to this Winter.

[spoiler: There won’t].

The alarm is raised given their wholly unsubstantiated reasons for there being practically no flu outbreak last Winter.

I’ve heard many a calm medical mind describe what all this may, or may not mean.

They are clear that no-one has yet cracked the viral interference code.

It appears to emanate from the Darwinian forces at play when a pair of big beasts collide in an environmental space.

Here we have influenza vying with coronavirus for spread dominance.

For reasons unknown at present, corona is “beating” flu.

When covid infects, somehow, it seems to be largely preventing the simultaneous ravages of the flu.

Which is no small mercy.

So one plank of viral interference is that only one transmission takes hold.

Despite their being two different bugs.

You can’t help but think of Proposal Interference in similar light.

As such, ought we consider our own selling Vitamin D? One which means our pitch is the one to prevail?

The other commercial side to our solution selling coin, is solution buying.

And many a business will likely be contemplating more than one at any single point in time.

Taken a level deeper, individual business people will often be assessing the merits, ramifications and implementation of more than one procurement whilst we pitch our project.

The consequences of this are many.

Do you know what else the business has on their ‘buying platform’ right now?

What’s recently been bought?

What’s being popped into the hopper of their ‘buying funnel’ for tomorrow?

Any of these could have knock-ons for us. Some grave. We must resist their ‘superinfection’. Others though, may unveil big opportunity.

How many items can anyone purchaser have on their to-do list?

It’s not only best if ours can be made as simple as decision as possible. The smoother the transition from idea to reality, the better.

Lastly, think about perhaps the most powerful link to this ‘interference’.

In what way might when and how they may buy from us, prevent them from judging an alternative project offer (from a different field) assumes priority over ours?

Each case could be different. But it feels like energy that will come from areas such as how standalone or integrated, how involved or resource-free, how visible or background, whether competitors are doing similar or not, or how close to the heart of the top person or key team your project may be.