Which Jargon Puts Off Your Prospects?

I was involved in a discussion recently where an industry insider was frustrated with the accepted term for a key offering.

He detested the phrase Managed Print Services. Abbreviated in his sector to the even more irksome initials MPS. He was clearly annoyed that, first, it failed to get across the true wonder of what he was seeking to provide, and second, that it didn’t really mean anything anyway.

Above is share-bait from London’s Telegraph newspaper reporting the top ten most hated business bingo nonsense.

I’ve sat through many a meeting where thankfully the attendees can laugh and joke about such lyrical pratfalls.

By the same token, I’ve witnessed countless sales people use them unaware of the induced prospect wincing. Duly prompted to move away from thinking about what’s being said, minds drifting towards lunch or their next meeting or anything else but you.

So, in the spirit of summer sunshine, a thought shower of my own. What could you throw into your selling jargon bargain?

if a prospect likes to use it, then you can – but beware who truly ‘owns’ the language, as if it’s a competitor, you’re likely in trouble

if a piece of “research” suggests it is the next big thing, then it probably is not

if a six-year old you know raises an eyebrow when you test it out on them, that’s all the indication you need to avoid dropping it in a room of grown-ups

if a cubicle dweller in your pod keeps repeating it, then best to keep it inside your office walls

if a self-selected industry parasite body uses it, you do not

if a deliberate, mocking use produces a titter or knowing nod then find a winning alternative, as you’ve had you one allowed usage

if a debate can genuinely be triggered both engaging and opening up your prospect from its use, then a jargon grenade is permitted