Forestall Your Prospect's Energy Crisis

A few posts ago I enjoyed using the word 'impede'.

Since then, I read opinion pieces aplenty about the ramifications of Putin's abhorrent, unjust war of choice invading Ukraine on the world's consequent energy price hikes.

The gist of many is that those of us who are not predisposed towards psycho gangster dictators 'must act now to forestall the energy crisis' (example from London's Telegraph broadsheet).

'Forestall' struck me as another wonderful word in solution sales to use.

Especially given that my recent blog to which I earlier referred focused on the 'problem' problem.

Some prospects simply won't want to admit that anything even vaguely irksome is hammering them at the moment you ask them.

But many of those will be happier to discuss something troublesome that might be framed as 'oncoming'.

Whether an issue that might spiral out of control causing chaos, or one that needs mitigation measures against.

Indeed, as definitions of forestall state;

to delay, hinder or prevent something from happening.

"What would do you want to forestall?"

An instant web search of synonyms provides plenty more options. Some unusual, most disarming.

pre-empt, get in before, get ahead of, steal a march on, anticipate, second-guess, nip in the bud, thwart, frustrate, foil, stave off, ward off, fend off, avert, preclude, obviate, prevent, intercept, check, block, hinder, impede, obstruct, curb, shackle, limit, parry, short-circuit, derail

The sense of advance action which the word implies can also be used as a context that suggests your prospect is in fact, on top of what's happening. There's a sense of control. Of management.

Never a bad light in which to be seen.

I also enjoy dropping the odd, left-field word in these kinds of discussions.

And today I learn such a new weapon; fetter.

Familiar with the concept of unfettered (access), this variant means to restrain (typically a prisoner) with manacles around their ankles.

What can also help you be distinctive with such dialogue, is where forestall comes from.

Apparently, in Old English it was spelt foresteall and meant ‘an ambush’. Then definitions evolved before taking shape as today's sense. Ambush has interesting connotations for making a surprise attack, usually from a concealed position. Concepts which might also lend themselves well to a prospect keen to engage in a touch of clever trickery and intrigue. Help them forestall like no other can.