Majoritise Support Minoritise Opposition

What a repressive construct. As far removed from proper 'critical thinking' and actual 'inclusion' as you can get.

Above, there's a 2⅓-minute chunk from my mark of the 'tomorrows papers' show the world was waiting for. Where would we be without these three stalwarts and many of their crew. Always comedians not pundits that it has to be said refreshingly span around the horseshoe.

For all its wholly misguided lack of substance or appeal, I instantly saw solution sell spirit in this ugly term the panel deride; 'minoritise'.

I was reminded in part of the classic piece of positioning that lamentably let the commies begin the Soviet Union. Crushing the life and soul of literally hundreds of millions for most of last century.

Wielding his way to power, wannabe dictator Lenin pitched his bunch of criminals as being of and with the majority in their Party. The other (similarly despicable) Party faction, who wanted a gradually introduced, more collaborative and perhaps diluted version of 'socialism', he branded as of the minority. Implying weaknesses, unworthiness and disdain.

Using the Russian term for majority-ites widely known since in English for his side; bolsheviks. And for comrades now perceived as enemy, the pejorative application of minority-ites; mensheviks.

As history weeps to report, the bolshies won out. Humanity lost. And in so much of the world today, is still losing.

So there's power in division. Successful separation of minority smooths majority rule.

When selling, not all decisions require a formal majority green light. I've witnessed many a decision which did not hold any requisite 'half-plus' Board sway. Yet when challenged, those without skin in the game were invited to not vote. There are different versions of this Luxembourg Compromise styling, where only those involved - the true, affected, invested 'decision-making unit' - need take part in authorisation.

One key method for us to prevail. How we can majoritise our position.

There's also a lesser spotted angle. Perhaps more in line with this modern coinage.

How often have those who hope to buy been permitted to purchase anything lately? What has tended to happen to the ideas they've brought to the table these last few periods? Are they indeed, akin to a 'Cinderella department', starved of resource, investment or even the base level TLC of maintenance?

Can you tally these up? Make a scoreboard? Spot a pattern that ought be now addressed?

Remember how (how indeed) Russia won the vote to host the 206 Football World Cup with their killer slide [at foot of this 2010 post].

And gently, but firmly, suggest now is the time to rebalance the books, by letting this one (our one) pass.