Zoom Room

We’ve all felt the corona-powered march of the video meeting.

As the ‘new normal’ takes hold, video calling seems set to stay.

Maybe you’re in an organisation who have long embraced the ‘remote’ working ethos.

Or perhaps one which now adapts to a WFH future. Allowing workers to split their days between home and office.

Even if your company mandates all staff back to their desks, will business travel be as accepted as in the days of 2019 and before?

Or will many a trip – from those ‘down the road’ in a neighbouring town to destinations much farther afield – become permanently swapped for video connection?

Whether it be with internal branch operations in other locations than your own, or any current or potential partner, supplier or customer. Many of whom may well themselves have their own ideas on productivity protecting, and improving, approaches to making video a central tenet of their routines.

It appears we’re in for a so-called ‘hybrid’ way of working. Also known as ‘blended’. Where a mixture of in- and out-of office is how tasks that require collaboration of some sort will get done. Or at least, moved along.

There’s also the trailblazers who suggest that even if only a single participant is not physically present at a meeting, then all attendees must go virtual. The only way to maximise output.

Whatever your current stage and preference for tomorrow, the vast majority of business video calls have less than a handful of people. When it comes to getting to grips with an issue and satisfactorily progress it, you could argue there’s data that suggests the most common number of people attending is just you with one or two others.

Again, there are meeting best-practice luminaries citing the 8-minute video call as the perfect way to avoid an interminable, several day (even weeks) spanning tedious email exchange. One that would otherwise rob you through interrupting workflows, unnecessarily extended time lags and failure to gain significant item resolution.

Yet there is one noticeable barrier to making this new hybrid, blended work sing.

There’s often the lack of an ideal place from which to dial-in.

Meeting rooms may be scarce. Or their slots likewise. Using someone else’s office a little uncomfortable and anyway only a temporary answer. And as for your own desk, whether your own cubicle or corner spot, there are distractions aplenty. Let alone being far from conducive to a space, set-up and environment best enabling meeting success. Not to mention the noise and disturbance for all concerned in the vicinity. Especially where privacy is valued. Not just by you, but also other participants.

So what’s the solution? How can you avoid all the negatives, and unleash all the video call positives in your favour?

One compelling answer is to have a dedicated zoom room.

A place crafted to make sure your video meetings are ones actually looked forward to, improve the wellbeing of those involved and enjoy more actions completed.

The space for at least a new video booth nearly always already exists in an office complex. It just needs a little careful curation.

I’ve re-fashioned stationary cupboards, re-modelled unused alcoves and re-energised dark neglected corners.

You most likely have the kit in the office already to make a decent start too.

The key is in how you set it all up.

And we know how. With many valuable hours of newly productive meetings following afresh. Week in, week out.

So simply get in touch, and see how any space from an abandoned cubby-hole to re-purposed room can transform to light-up your working day, every day.

Contact Jason

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