Puzzlers Case Wall

Detective disappears. Identical twin reluctantly thrust into their place. A sibling who in the case of recent English tv series, Ludwig, happens to be a reclusive puzzle-designer.
How could such a character not have their own case wall?
As this screenshot of it shows, the format's well-established.
The suspects' portraits up-top. Each person-of-interest labelled with mini-bio.
Evidence summarised below. Clues highlighted, arranged, colour-coded, connected.
Mainly text and sticky notes with this chap.
I seldom see such attention to what I consider these types of essential office visuals.
Constraints abound.
Wall real estate is at a premium. Even if you are lucky enough to sit in nook with such availability, the minute you start plastering papers on it, members of the Sales Prevention Department can duly announce themselves. Demanding a return to bare walls. Or worse, marketing, corporate comms, HQ mandated posters.
Whether dealt the typical cubicle dividers or WFH, your scope to pictorialise may be limited. Display space restricted from which there may be little chance of escape.
The volume of bids worked on at any given time can preclude depicting each one fully. There are solution sellers among us who do focus solely on a single deal, although you'd say a declining breed. The number of active opportunities any process for an individual seller can hold tends to have a max ceiling. To monitor each by way of their own case wall for the vast majority of our campaigns would be nigh on physically impossible.
Yet we must break these chains
If entrusted with a "whale", then from the very off, craft its case wall.
It won't just signify its importance. It'll signal you're taking it seriously, are determined to keep on top of it and will generate buzz internally should you so wish.
An approach you could also apply to one-offs. Like the first time of selling that vaunted new shiny product which your chief exec is fixated on, a specific competitive incumbency ousting attempt, or seeking that vital initial footprint in a new territory.
Greater rewards though, can flow from adapting other '-wall' options.
[I touch on these fairly regularly. Most recently a couple 'months back.]
Wherever you seat yourself, you really ought have in eyeline your process markers. To remind, refine and record.
Beyond this, there's the classic trope of pinning up 'metrics' all around. Prompting to drop in when relevant to any (every) conversation.
Then there's the trusted single tool that works wonders for you.
The framework I see most often this way is the political mapping 2x2 matrix. It's simple, powerful and such 4-box model form can easily be amended, redrawn if necessary, as a living, breathing snapshot.
Whichever you begin with, you'll likely both be setting yourself apart from competition and become more prone to attaining your quota already.