15 Memes of the Year Sales-Ready from 2024

Well, that was a year. So as a festive wrap, here's a handful of sales-adjacent memes. As appeared across my social feeds, message groups and even MSM.

In keeping with such, the usual health warning applies. Handle with care when showing, forwarding or remixing in a professional solution sell context.

Consider when to deploy, not letting chat-app-group run out of hand. Reputational damage is a constant threat if the wrong eyes see that which you thought was private. (Hint, no message ever is, in the same way media broadcasters and interviewees have to learn to treat every mic as a hot mic).

Pausing for a moment to recall the usual wonderful sport snaps that memed around the world. Yes, the Turkish Olympic sharpshooter. The truly game-changing incredible teenage arrowsmith Luke The Nuke. Alongside those wondergoals at the Euros of the slightly elder Bellingham and Yamal.

Let's start with a trio most workplaces can relate to.

Reminds me at a stroke of Price's Law, Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy and knowing to look for where the gemba is at.

Do you think your Dave ever felt this kind of pressure below?

And let's not forget that ever-present tension between WFA and IRL.

Next, a group of old school deepisms.

I'm not really a fan of these, but from every groan could a selling seed be sown?

Don't let anyone see your watch.

With one question of special potential in your prospect's world.

With another that takes various forms. Here in its simplest.

Then there's the cited quotes from luminaries of the past.

That Tesla one being a classic. With direct Sales meaning.

A-ha. Pournelle again. The process is the punishment. Only protecting the bureaucracy matters. From the peerless Thomas Sowell.

For 'innovation', read selling?

And while we're in this space, how about this Networking and general intro pitch tip from the world's richest man.

Ending with newsjacking of various pictures that went viral, with all manner of satirical straplines attached. I choose to link to these raw for you to make your own. Starting with this workround metaphor from a now famous kitchen.

With work done after Dave was let go.


Along with one of the darkops of all-time, as evidenced by these charred remains.


Roll on '25...

... and a bonus extra, for those multitudes who've ever felt the Sisyphean futility of it all, this lad in China shows the involuted path;

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