Deliverism Department

Here's a neologism. Courtesy 'progressive' political policy wonks. London broadsheet The Times' offer this meaning;

" will not simply be enough to do what was promised, but to convince voters that it had been done."

Swap voters for buyers there and you've a raison d'etre for the entire coalesced masses amid recently forming Customer Success functions.

As with too many a Sales remoulding, differences in theory and practice can damage the nascent discipline, being prone to be given a less than desired rep.

And it isn't as though what's core to the pursuit wasn't done well before in some places the new label got coined alongside its repurposed assembly.

In similar fashion to Contrary Mary of the nursery rhyme, when I've seen this done well, it's astonishingly powerful. Yet when not so, the catastrophe of attrition soon slips down the slope, accelerating as it goes.

Today's wording gives rise to moving away from merely saying what you promised actually came to pass.

But places I think renewed emphasis on gaining the tacit acceptance of those duly benefitting from your wonders. To the extent that legacy is cemented. Excluding the consideration of other options come re-election, or budgetary review, time.

I note with interest evolution of the concept. A backlash kicked in, a 'death of deliverism' freshly agitating the chattering classes, when focus on what was deliverable and being delivered took hold without associated vote uplift.

From what I deduce, the extension ensuring those you purport to help feel that you have indeed aided as promised appeared as remedy. The definition swiftly strengthening, it seems, from earlier mooring on pure delivery alone.

Having been inside such selling support pursuits, I remain of the view that too many a testimonial inquiry majors on what the 'product' does.

Perhaps in an adaption of Sinek's Golden Circle, that's starting with the lesser angle akin to his 'what'.

The 'how' for instance could well be the process improved, opportunity opened or problem abracadabra'd away.

Then the 'why' perhaps the true legacy. What has it let the person themselves do, for their career and company, from what you uniquely allowed that sets your supply apart.

Indeed you might also earn distinction and make claim to be a deliverist seller. Professional and personal wins for your clients, guaranteed.

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