Foolproof Nine-Word Mantra from Rugby World Champion
England won the rugby world cup back in '03 helmed by Clive Woodward.
In his latest column for the publishing behemoth that is dailymail [sub'n req'd], I couldn't help but notice his favoured 9-worder given players before a crunch game;
If everyone does their job, we win the game.
He, and his skipper, would utter this repeatedly to the whole squad.
It so applies to our endeavours too.
When we are pursuing the ideal process - that pattern of events that when in train practically guarantee we prevail - we are the best team out there.
We are unique. No-one matches the prospects needs we sate when we choose to do so.
Founding issue; are we following this creed?
Without the focus on constant improvement of process in these terms, we are nowhere.
Once that is in place, the second vital question is, 'does everyone know their job?'
I myself for instance have suffered in days past when being falsely assured a techie taken along on a call knew their 'job'.
For anyone you bring in, there is a defined role for them.
This by the way, likewise goes for your sales (and other senior) management too.
You are not only permitted to remind them of their responsibilities as you view them, but also can shape said expectations ahead of time.
Briefing paper style. 8-minute run-through of prior call planning. Ask for their documenting of advice, experience or direction beforehand.
Which also reminds me of a terrific tip from when cubrep.
A big boss was joining a call with a relative newbie.
His words just before going in;
"my role here is to say as little as possible; it's to elevate your position and only answer a question you cannot".
Counsel I heartily adhere to when brought in to this day.
As Sir Clive notes, "the reason it’s so powerful is because as a player you don’t want to be the one who lets the team down". Let your colleagues revel in being someone you can count on.