Fruitopian Presentation Style
Every Apple presenter
— Dan Toomey (@dhtoomey) June 10, 2024
There's plenty of this type of content about. Mind you, its target is pretty ripe to lampoon. Sixty seconds of satire here surrounding Apple's big annual shindig for developers to drool at the latest flabbergasting features.
Aiming at showing up stilted presentation that might as well be an AI bot cosplaying as some uniformed exec used neither to seeing daylight nor social interaction.
Whilst not the most biting, ROFL or fresh sample of the genre, it does offer glimpse into what works.
Yes, Apple employees, start-up aspirant unicorn founders and scam-sharp wannabe gurus alike ape the Steve Jobs all-in-black. What self-certified disruptor-in-chief can repel the tractor beam of the blackshirt scaling the heights atop the loftiest of trillion-dollar poles?
Most of my virtual client contact is within tech or its crossover with creative. An arena in which it's been so long, maybe even a decade, since I saw a tie or its equivalents. And when you catch someone dialling in away from their office, dress codes have become non-existent. Which is not to say people get scruffy. But it is to point out that should you wish to be distinctive (hint, you do) clothing can help make a good impression.
I still mutter about being advised a while back not to wear a t-shirt when videoing inside one large organisation. What would Zuck say, hey. You can be memorable and viewed favourably in that happy space that does not channel a 1970s kids tv presenter or succumb to the latest edicts of supposed silicon valley incubator chic.
Don't be 'blanding'. Let your authenticity, professionalism and fervour radiate.
"Good", at least they have learned one 'new hand motion'. I've ran workshops on just physical movements alone. From what you can actually do with your hands to aid your messaging, through using gestures to make a story stick, to signals that help move things along.
If you're not using this toolbox, you are missing a trick.
That finger-tenting, steepling hands really say 'wow'?. The knee-bending bounce gets dizzying. And his overwhelming symmetry grasps precious little.
Every comms should have one. Something specific you want your audience or fellow participants to take from your slot. And remember, so that when later they either think back or are asked what it was about, they snappily recall, just how you meant. What is it here?
Updates? AI AI? Relatability?
Windowless offices? Female colleagues? Terrified interns?
Not used to public speaking? 18-hour screen days? Eric?
Whatever yours is, ensure you know, make it explicit, say it on repeat.