Happy Birthday Winston

Not many people get to lead defeat of amassed oppressive murderous authoritarians.
Winston Churchill one rare example. Who today would turn 150.
In commemoration there's plenty of pieces citing the best of his masterful speeches, glorious trove of rejoinders and remarkable lateral thinking problem solving creativity.
Despite all the usual detractors, who knock someone from a different time with audacity to be of their time and not what such self-appointed thought police with their blessing of hindsight feel predecessors ought've entailed, he is a true legend.
Above is a mocked up modern-day font take on a closing title screen. From the Orson Welles narrated 1964 documentary biography.
His quartet of fundamental leadership qualities became iconic.
As rhetorical devices go, I guess it's a kind of tetrastich.
All the more powerful here perhaps as it goes on beyond the most heard hendiatris style. Leaning on as that does, on the famed 'power of threes'.
As yet here, Winston deploys four.
So once on a while it might pay recall dividends with our audience to also go beyond the typical trio.
Not to be overlooked, I thought about a generic such solution sell quatrain. Given time and specific case these could easily be bettered I'm sure. At least it can spark off ideas for us;
Friction, removed; Pain, soothed; Journey, smoothed; Future, secured.