Hotel Pet Hates
More from reality telly. This time, England’s Hotel Inspector. In the promotional run up to her latest series, she teases us with her ten biggest bugbears.
- Tatty frontages
- Light distraction
- Tip expectations
- Mealtime interruptions
- Coffee problems
- Towel art
- Cleanliness
- Bath butlers
- Pillow/Linen menus
- Children’s Menus
This is a lady that stays in hotels for a living. If she can generate this type of list for things she hates, and all-too-often encounters, then imagine what someone that uses your product or service – day by day – could write out regarding their pet hates about the supplier of such.
How about asking a prospect about their pet hates in your arena. Then show how you can either avoid them, or rectify them if they accidentally reared their unpleasant head?