Next Word Leap

In the rarefied air of the AI tech bros, the recent astonishing entry of a Chinese ex-stock-trader predictor turned bot-supreme punctured the bubble.

Cheap as chips. As it (almost) turned out.

Despite initial bargain basement costing sleights, the achievement of DeepSeek on a comparative shoestring has the current self-appointed sector elite scrambling.

Beyond the dextrous set-up, training and budget innovation, the freely available source code angle compounds the market-makers' freshly suffering insomnia.

Much has been written about the new entrant. Not least the staggering figure of $6m for final pre-release training run, as opposed to literally a billion bucks for ChatGPT et al. The slants that interest me of this possibly horizon-shifting new product launch concern turbocharging our Sales, and underlying paths.

Three of the improvements they invented link to show a combined way we might benefit for a step-change in our deal flows.

In short, here's my understanding of these tech breakthroughs.

Chip optimisation from using a supposedly lesser programming language particularly helping better share memory among co-operating chips.

Splitting up the traditional machine learning 'brain' into lots of 'mini-brains', each with their own area of expertise.

Creating what they call 'next word' competition, so that rather follow a single suggestion based on the probabilistic scores, they instead predict two different paths and then see which one was the better fit.

The first two greatly improving efficiency, with the third apparently making a huge difference to effective model performance.

Here's but one commentator's following conc.;

There was more, of course, but at a technical level of detail that requires deep and eye-glazing expertise. The important point here is that the DeepSeek team applied innovation broadly across the entire technical ecosystem, looking into every nook and cranny to tweak and improve performance and cost efficiency.

Fancy a bit of that for your selling?

I like the fall-back to that which has been dismissed through supersession. For instance, pen and paper can work wonders when correctly chosen above the digital expression. In similar vein, not every comms needs fit the 8-second attention span or instant deletion once glanced.

Unless selling completely alone - albeit a true rarity, even for bootstrapping solopreneurs - there'll be other mini-brains on whom to lean. Let them shine. They'll likely love it. Likewise your prospects.

Then there's the 'next word leap'. This is such a useful construct when it comes to refining our winning sales process. Namely that pattern of circumstance, events and actions that when in train, practically guarantee we prevail. After all, deals are seldom linear beasts. Twists and turns appear aplenty. The more choices we have up our sleeve, which will still map us towards the ultimate destination, the better.

Seek deeper prospect acceptance. But with added Tiananmen.

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