Pop Promos Still Liking Bland Meeting Room Settings

I'd not heard of this act either. Yet this latest track did have the kind of Jamie T first album vibe I so loved two decades back.
As the latest in my occasional series on this trope, the video for Just Call Me has quite the conceit. Everyone our hero is speaking with appears a wannabe clone of them. It also begins in a corporate meeting room the like of which we no doubt all shudder in recognition of.
Above, we see Niko B 'dressing the room'. Which sadly extends only to straightening a lonely piece of monochrome artwork, possibly on its shelf since the 80s.
At least we get to see the ahem, view out the window. Reminding us of the promise of unique creative workplace cultures where you'll be unable to resist being inspired by your surroundings. Here, as is so commonplace, you'll be able to battle against utilitarian inner-city landscapes thrown up to enforce collectivism rendering innovation obsolete.
This (one trusts) is deliberately curated to be as banal as possible. Even down to the bullet-bin. That's not near entrance points.
I also note arrangement of the three desks in play. Slotting neatly together. Not making a U-shape giving a 'well'.
Then we get to see the rotated view.

How cosily familiar.
Although flip-chart with pic is entertaining diversion.
The wall screen is nicely elevated for a multi-person hybrid video meet, though likely too high for the solo one-to-one. And is too small. As is the immovable whiteboard alongside.
We'd surely never leave the door open, either.
A side-cheer for the lonely smaller desk against the wall. Bring it out a touch. Flip the chair into the corner so you're not square-on. Make sure you can slightly swivel to write on the board. Lift up your laptop webcam. Then you could just about fashion a decent live video chat spot.
And how I might yearn for a meeting like this, with only pen and paper. Not a phone or laptop in sight.

And as we could see when room filled, maybe there wasn't enough room to squeeze a 'well' out after all.
This meeting room feels intentionally indistinguishable from countless others in your workplaces.
Whether your endeavour owns its own office or rents, inhabits old building or new, has multipurpose or specific-use such rooms, this look rings so true.
Which if applies to you, spells selling disaster.
Any meeting room that defaults to enable any type of meeting provides for success in none.
You needn't lavish bundles of cash or design time. But you can make for a room that genuinely sets you apart and shapes your success.
Coincidentally, I link to this pic I saw in London's Times the same week. The theme being very much against its perceived long-time Marxist direction of travel of the country's school curriculum. Two walls are out-of-view, yet at least there may well be that full-wall whiteboard. As in the song's promo satire, given altered seating configuration, what chance deal-winning inspiration emerging from time spent in a place like this?