Rebel Rousing Spreadsheet

The answer to the above, in a word, is "no".
Remarkable. The country of my birth has gone round the bend.
Who knew today was the day?
Amid the political tumult of (shortest ever serving) Prime Ministerial resignation, there sit plenty of solution selling steers.
I highlight one by way of a spreadsheet.
One elected representative - lamentably prone it must be said, to once write books as a self-styled 'internet marketing guru' entitled such as How to Get Stinking Rich - of the ruling party appears to maintain an infamous one.
Used successfully, so it seems, to both lead a rebellion against former PM Theresa May, and also then help guide Boris Johnson into Downing Street.
As per one reporter;
"The spreadsheet is said to contain more than 6,000 historical “data points” from previous conversations with MPs."
With this bank of details being readied once again for more leadership manoeuvres, whether accurate numbers or not, they are worthy of breakdown.
It is fair to round the typical number of actors over this time to the rough figure of 300. Which in part makes the average number of 'data points' per person a simple calculation.
Six thousand divided by three hundred would suggest around twenty per person.
The number of conversations may well build over time as the landscape evolves. You can too glean more than one opinion in a single chat.
Yet this amount of logged observation is intriguing. In the broad range of government topics, it's not at all a stretch to imagine a Hot 20 of subjects on which over time some wannabe Machiavelli may wish to record leanings.
On any solution sell in which we engage, there's likely fewer.
Indeed, I'd be surprised if more than half-dozen truly present.
There may well be the odd supplemental issue, but in the main, the defining calls will be readily apparent.
If you follow the creed of one of the old-time selling systems, you'll no doubt already have a 'sheet' (perhaps named by specific colour) on which you note crucial opinions by prospect personality.
Beyond such rigours, there's scope to determine the areas fundamental to any decision being made your way.
In general terms here's ten examples upon what these attitudes can encompass; status quo, competitive (dis)advantage, strategic alignment, tactical alteration, investment (or cut), resource allocation, impacts of change, personal career implications, future direction, unintended consequence.
Think how many people your proposal may touch.
It will typically be from two at the (supposedly) least complex end to a total of any and everyone affected. Although possibly daunting at the top end, in reality you probably still mostly only need deal with single figures.
Giving you a spreadsheet with rows and columns hopefully comprising but a handful.
Let's say you've half-dozen issues, the same for people. That's thirty-six data points for starters. Factoring in the further conversations required to show how views may shift or harden.
Sound too much effort? Look a little tricky? Feels a bit unnecessary?
In many ways it'll provide the evidence for when you must construct your trusty 2x2 of the political mapping needed to begin to move allegiances and influence.
And to formulise this process, as with the plotting ministers of the UK, is to secure your aims.
The only question remaining, is what to call your spreadsheet? This Westminster effort apparently took its from the name of a long running sci-fi franchise. About cosmos battles. Your inspiration can come from closer to home.