Spotted: More Pre-Contemplative Video Callers

As you may know, I'm a fan of the change frame, TTM.

The Pre-Contemplative of my title refers to those yet to acknowledge that times, they are a-changing.

I prefer this label to the typically banded about alternatives.

Who would ever admit to being the Unconscious Incompetent?

How much endearment flows your way from telling someone that they're in Denial?

Where will you get suggesting they're in the blissfully dazed zone of 'What Just Happened'?

With the tweet above, an (admired) enthusiastic embracer and perennial promoter of video meetings seems lulled into a trap.

Eleven thought fit to respond.

They each bemoaned, devalued and dismissed the video meet medium.

They are all pre-contemplative.

Indeed, if you take their qualms to the natural conclusion, then there could never be a #remote business operate with any success anywhere on the planet.

Which is patently, laughably not the case.

This is a starting-seven of where they're yet to see the shining light.

They're still treating video as a phone call, but with a 2-D representation of the callers on a screen in front of them.

They have not adapted, or adopted any new behaviour that suits video calls specifically, as opposed to any other comms method.

They've not been exposed to genuinely allow for attendance to precede participation, with how garnering true engagement, collaboration and creativity is different over video.

They're yet to have had the penny drop that if video is a loss for both you and client, then you're not videoing properly, and so might like to try turn this around.

They've fallen into seeing any virtual meeting as a rock-up-and-go event.

They don't yet appreciate that you must match medium to meeting. And critically, do so as part of a mapped out process.

They misattribute the Doorman Fallacy, when in fact over video, they are the doorman.

In short, if you're not getting what you think you should out of video calls, then do not despair. You can. There is a way. There are many ways.

Perhaps your first step towards being freshly Contemplative, is now knowing that the above switched states exist, and are being enjoyed by gratefully growing numbers.

Your preparation, approach and performance can take you far beyond that of your competition.

When would you like to start?

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