Ups & Downs Writ Large Slide

Adapted from a deck I helped out with this week.

Positioned as a platform for collaboration solution creation between vendor and buyer.

As part of this process, you must jointly verify viability of your emerging project.

During pre-meet prep, an outline list of seven items likely to be affected arose.

Three increased. Four decreased.

Each metric considered important to the prospective customer.

Whatever their validity, they prove a firm footing from which to build in this vital sales stage.

Text labels for each, of just a word or two, fit neatly into each block arrow's base.

One measure singled out for highlight.

A visual like this proves useful as it is not the typical - read either lazy or unaware - such gets presented.

Mixing it up with a fresh look is always a winner.

It aids greater engagement. It ensures longer recall. It places you as different, unique even.

Two of my books provide libraries of these tools.

And in the spirit of the session you run, you can make edits on-the-fly. Change labels, add or swap around highlights, place big numbers upon each one.

Be on the lookout for such treatments with your own decks, for workshops and beyond.

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