Dad Was A Toolmaker, I Lived Above The Shop

The current frustratingly inconsequential UK General Election campaigning, yet with ultimately seismic consequences, sees two opponents vying for top job.

Despite their remarkably privileged positions - both for instance with gilt-laden pensions to make Croesus blush courtesy of act of parliament or marriage no less - they rush to promote everyman credentials.

Detractors point out that both claims are disingenuous, to the possible point of misleading.

The favourite was roundly mocked by a tv audience for touting his this week. His response to later chide them truly odious.

Internet sleuths equated him saying his father was a toolmaker with someone who nowadays quipped their offspring were but a humble coder, when in truth presiding over a unicorn.

The incumbent heading for the door similarly hammered for equating hardship without having the most bulbous tv package when growing up.

Both attended distinguished selective education nonetheless.

The groans that followed the 'toolmaker' studio pitch reminded me a little of the reception often given to 'Get Brexit Done' by eventual winners last time out five years back.

The challenger and his team clearly think the toolmaker line a winner. He says it plenty.

Many a former advisor lately has chipped in with their learning that no matter how many times you think as a politician you say your mantra, it's never enough for it to sink in with the electorate.

Think on American chants this past decade. From Crooked Hilary to Drain the swamp. Eyes were bulging to Build Back Better. And this year, Convicted Felon or more of Sleepy Joe?

Whether each candidate's mother were a nurse or pharmacist too is not really the point here. It's how often the humblebrag gets repeated.

I remember a full three decades back one of the earliest formal presentation training tips I encountered.

When you've a point you want to stick, the number of times you must say it to do so is ... seven.

Even today, I regularly see self-styled messaging gurus cite in the range of six to a dozen.

At the end of a presentation, you ever asked your audience for their key takeaway?

You should.

It's a belter.

Trad trainers typically make a point of ending along the lines of 'what's the technique you'll go away and use tomorrow?'

In formal in-person settings, I've pre-printed A5 sheets with a handful of questions. Dish them out as we finish. The post-demo questionnaire finds diamonds.

Often when a deck is shown, there's a set-up slide, some meat, then a recap.

All well and good.

Yet that might mean your killer crux only gets mentioned twice. Thrice, tops.

The proven experience of those in the know is clear.

It's not only enough to know what you want to be remembered.

You must also keep repeating it.

As the ol' song goes, Rock Me Again & Again & Again & Again & Again & Again (6 Times) ...+.

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