Less Video More Progress

The meme above spread at its time in part as it was a memory of the last knockings of a world before lockdowns.

It's fair to say we know what most at that time confined think of all that now. Especially given that as many democracies around the world have now seen re-election cycles since restrictions eventually lifted. It feels pretty much the case that governments then in office have since been kicked out.

The scourge of unnecessary meetings has been with us long before our current tech aeon.

Perhaps the first WFA germination can in hindsight be seen with 2007's cult-turned-mainstream of The 4-Hour Work Week.

Whose leader documented successfully cutting meetings in favour of mainly async progress.

For a long while now, I've enjoyed the moment when one particular penny drops with someone I'm helping with their video sales call performance. Namely that my somewhat contrary position is I feel they can make Sales gains from less, not more video calling.

Don't fall into video calling prospects for video calling's sake.

You seldom find a sales endeavour that matches the medium with the message.

I mention this today because a sales leader, at a geographically dispersed operation that must deal with suppliers, expressed irritation to me that all such 'partners' seem lately to push for actual in-person meetings. Suddenly going against the grain of built up established alternative (and working) contact practice.

When eventually agreeing to them, the subsequent feeling was they were a waste of time. The vendors didn't really have anything to say which merited a formal forum. And certainly nothing new or pressing to justify their travel downtime. Which although their problem alone, just didn't feel right.

This brings into play once again the fact that whilst we all love a good whites-of-the-eyes get together, moulding around how your prospect likes to do things is usually smart. On the off-chance discrepancies do not give pretext for going out as often as you can regardless.

And certainly is not a way of distinguishing yourself from any competition.

I've blogged on this numerous times.

Whilst memes when video calling exploded were from internal meeting pain, they can without much trouble be mapped onto selling interaction. (At the foot there's a trio of lasting treatments.)

Shaking hands is the highest level. Don't weaken its power through the dilution of unnecessary frequency, misread bonding or inconsequential outcome.

In temporary absence of embedded link, this 'PHB' was given a lesson.

& lastly, wisdom I'm compelled to expand upon at some point, via a daily provider of missing functionality ideas.

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