Lying Rocks?
“You can lie about rocks, but the rocks don’t lie”
Apparently old wisdom from the mining trade.
Given renewed breath following one 'half-trillion' "rare earths and minerals" deal you might have read about lately.
Indeed, supposedly inside sources suggest all is not what it seems.
I remember first seeing iron pyrites as a schoolkid.
Fool's gold it may be, but does still sparkle with allure.
As this phrase can shine for us.
Considering the current news cycle clamour around this hard core geo 'blitz politik' negotiating, we can use this adage in our own type of prospecting.
You can fudge numbers, but the real numbers can't be fudged
You can play with the hours, but the hours don’t play around
You can kid yourself about losses, but the losses don’t kid around
Just a trio for starters. Not as elegant as the original. Yet that's not the point. Their use - all crafted here in relation to drilling into a business case - is meant to get the prospect workshopping ideas with us.
What data might be deceptive, hiding or misleadingly masquerading in their world?
They'll likely have their own "rocks". Best we help them extract their true precious minerals' value.