Meeting Money Moment

There's many a meeting persona we can do without; room meat, information tourists, spuddlers. Among such unwelcome spectre, there's the undoubted drain of the person who contributes nothing.
I was reminded of this with a little bank holiday broadsheet reading as captured in the above screenshot.
Now, I'm seldom one for the random deepisms of supposed 'influencers'. Yet the steer(s) here of a greypreneur chimed with an unfashionable chord that deserves louder volume.
The lady in question - with seemingly little to no commercial experience upon which to draw - set up a business when recently turned fifty. By the time of this piece (7yrs on) she'd become a millionaire.
It helps to properly frame the (Steve Jobs, supposedly) maxim, 'only hire people whose best days are ahead of them', in terms of ambition, plan and ability to make it happen, completely regardless of age. Note too the famed 'Bs hire Cs' and 'don't hire smart people to tell them what to do, but so they can tell you what to do' warnings.
The highlighted text is my edit.
I often think along similar lines - after all, it is from questions, not answers, that we gain our power - and from the other perspective too. Namely, if someone cannot muster even one question of you, no matter how lame, then sirens surely screech.
(These seven touch on broader cues from my video meeting mastery delivery:)
Do you enter a meeting with a key question already in reserve?
Do you have a supplementary question primed as well?
Do you have one question that the 'meeting' must address ahead of it taking place?
Do you note which participants are yet to pose a meaningful question of you?
Do you specifically note questions as they come up?
Do you resolve to verify the answer(s), just in case of any misinterpretation?
Do you know, regardless of stated Agenda'd Purpose, the overall question you wish the forum to resolve?