Putin's Crash 'N Burn

For all the talk of the inexhaustible supply of meat for the Donbas grinder, innovative arms (such as 'vaunted' hypersonic missiles & glide bombs), and plentiful cash from cut-price oil sales to dubious buyers, Russia suffer battleground humiliation in Ukraine.
The above graphic is the title card from an 8-minute explainer by London's Daily Mail Foreign Correspondent.
In itself a decent template to build on for our own salesdeck version.
Note those white outlines of the imagery, which has a blued sheen (save for eye-catching flames), itself matched to the border colour of the titular text.
The piece seeks to show "why Russia's air force is struggling to keep its jets in the sky".

This appears the state of play at the outset of hostilities.
Beyond a fourfold numerical advantage graphically shown. Although the voiceover reports a more "formidable" numerical advantage, as "ten times larger than Ukraine's, with vastly superior technology".
Isotypes of planes within a unit chart styling.
Yet the picture today has not only changed, but markedly swung around.

Here, the (animated) piechart showed Putin apparently began the invasion with around 100 trained fighter pilots. Fifteen months on, they may well have only a couple dozen left. Replenishment nigh on impossible given the training timescales involved.
Bold, simple colours. The blue perhaps taken from their brand palette. Although a fair few design pennies might have gone into the corporate backdrop. What with its semi-speckle effect.
A bombardment of accompanying video footage also shows all manner of Russian planes falling out the sky.
With for added measure (alongside logo and subtitle text), an insight into their state of operation. Not even proper military grade radar, but cobbled together navigation via civilian GPS.

Always likin' the spotlight effect, as used neatly here.
Finally, a bonus for fans of sales office design, we see the newsdesk floor of the media outfit. Not much chance of conducting a useful zoom call from your battery hen pen there.

Among aspects that strike you, is the presence of the neck-tie twice in the foreground, the odd second-screen dotted around, the presenter wearing his favourite performing jacket, no-one seemingly on the phone (with or without earbuds), limited chance to shine if video calling from one of those stark meeting rooms, and that we must be on the Male Floor, phew.