Video Cellscaping Tips From Clips; Pt 1 Bookcases
The first in my review series of our two years of mass zoomin' self-portrayals should appeal to those for whom the twitter feed of Bookcase Credibility became indispensable, whilst it ran.
"What you say is not as important as the bookcase behind you."
Wise words indeed, hey.
Here follows a stream of samples mostly with a head-on, flat elevation of bookcases spotted. In no particular order, let's start with the well lit;

Also a shining example of camera height placement. A glimpse too into injecting a touch of personality, expertise or talking point from using a compartment for trinkets rather than books.
Next we have a relatively early example, notable because it looks like how a bookcase that's used probably would.

Still in 2020, interesting to see how a professional presenter videolinks in. Might at an angle, cropping out the blinded window, work well?

This political hopeful also seeks to come across as just-like-us.

Whilst this briefly and single-issue heavyweight, offers the slightest of slants.

Then to round out 2020, how Douglas Murray began.

And how he evolved a year on.

More journalists get in on the act.

Nostrilcam is a thing.

Can John Rentoul's gently fading angle can suit you?

With the non-interfering daylighting of professional contrarian, Peter Hitchens.

Great perspective from the home of Matt Ridley.
Now let's check out the media-friendly academics.

Not everyone coins a famous phrase. That grey exposed blank wall, though, not quite so 'kiff'...

Please lift your laptop. And what a drawing?

Whilst his early albums we're decent, it's difficult to buy into all Cary's latter-day pronouncements on the workplace, and another webcam height issue.

Science genius Dawkins in what could be his uni office?
Next, a medical man.

Old school mahogany and textbooky.
In general, media 'personalities', whether pro presenters or not, suggest that if you've got it, flaunt it.

The best show on UK rolling news is remarkably 'safe' yet reassuring from Andrew Doyle.

Another useful subtle angling from Cindy here. And below, the country's best legal reporter betters even Matt Ridley?

Love the corner styling. He used this shot as his social media imagery too.
The world of economics and maybe even the illuminati with surely a real-life working home office?

Maybe outdone by this longtime radio DJ?

New entry into the world of political punditry, Emma, revelled in her surely deliberately gloomy initial set.

And this smaller screengrab of campaigner, Silke, also shows a heighting and lighting vibe that could be raised a smidgen.

At the other end of a career, another old school number. About to become all book, no case.

This ad man below also eschews the more modern carpentry.

As does what feels like a legal office.

You sure about the glass panelled option?

And if your bookshelving can fill the whole frame, ought you let it?

Especially if bleaching daylighting comes from screen-left.
A skilful close-up can avoid any impression of chaos.

And from that one-time political advisor to a pair of presently elected representatives. An office/sideboard in Australia.

And former military man in England.

Shelving suspiciously of Ikea standard sizing 50cm depth there.

And last word from this holocaust survivor, neatly showing how a corner of a room can do the job.
With the final shot, empty. The irrepressible Gyles Brandreth's home decor.

Many a bookcasing on-screen can dull your projection. Abundant lighting out of frame is required. It counts what you display on your shelves too. It doesn't need to be tightly spine-crammed. Helping no end if you have, y'know, read some of them too.
In short, when on a Sales video call, a bookcase is not the greatest of backdrops.
A single shelf, yes. Full-on library, not so. Perhaps if you know on whichever platform you're on, you'll be seen full-screen, then maybe. Even then, pull out a few of the books and curate the space to suit.