2 Campaign Musts of Spin Supremo

This wisdom underpinned an unbeaten electoral juggernaut. The svengali behind it immortalised as inspiration for telly's iconic brutal vulgarian muckspout character Malcolm Tucker. The man himself now fallen from grace, yet his mantras remain a benchmark in campaign management.

There's a rail workers strike in the UK as I type this. And even those naturally supportive of such, seem to acknowledge the folly of their cause.

I heard said spin doctrine recited by such;

"if you're gonna start a campaign then before you do, make sure you know you're gonna win it, and bring the people with you".

Not only in Politics, but this is killer advice in solution sales too.

From affecting any tender well in advance of it being written, to creating the need for a problem deemed insoluble, inconsequential or for the in-tray of others.

We too must get in early. Know before we embark, that we are primed to prevail.

But then you cannot become complacent.

We too must mobilise supporters, reinvigorate them from time to time, and fend off scurrilous and ill-informed attacking claims.

Offering a progression of enticing reasons 'why'. Which neatly slot into and build the crescendo of urgency we nurture. Culminating with the optimum time for them to finally sign, receive delivery and start gaining.

Do these twin pillars apply for the deals on your forecast today?

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